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Crap - Thursday, August 22nd, 2002
Hey you.
I was bored today so I went through my conversation logs with Andrew and Colin over the last year and took out some of the the funny bits.  Most of them are self explanitory.  Enjoy!
Justron: Holy fuck...  Are they a CAR you can USE as headphones?
Andrew: Platinum/gold plated wiring
Justron: ooh.
Andrew: and lord knows what else
Justron: Can you have sex with them?  For $16,000, you better be able to.
Andrew: Funny, that's what I said about Li....nevermind.
Justron: She didn't cost $16,000.
Andrew: For you, maybe.

*** Andrew has received C:\WINDOWS\Desktop\My day.txt.
Andrew: It's my day, yes my day! my day or the highway!
Justron: Othello it aint.
Andrew: Oh, you're cheeky!
Justron: Yeah!  Like my butt!

Andrew: all my songs are dibe
Andrew: done
Andrew: how the hell did i manage dibe?
Justron: Great skill?
Justron: your right hand was one key too far over.
Andrew: I guess
Justron: To the left.
Andrew: ah yes.

Andrew: Man, Dave Thomas, founder of Wendy's, is DEAD.
Justron: I..  I...  Feel like crying..
Andrew: I know.
Justron: Couldn't you have broken that too me a little better?  You know..  Lead up to it a bit?  "Hey, you remember Dave Thomas?  Founder of Wendy's?  Remember all the great times you had together?  Well, he's gone now, so you'll just have to remember him how he was before.  In the good old days."
Andrew: Nope.
Justron: You bastard.

Andrew: The government no longer wants to call them high school dropouts. They feel that  victimizes them and makes them have self esteem problems. Now, they are "Early school leavers"
Justron: Stupid Dropouts.
Andrew: I know. It's not like there should be any positivity associated with dropping out of school.
Justron: No, there shouldn't be..
Andrew: "Oh, dont make the stupid retards feel bad now!"
Justron: Didn't your parents drop out?
Andrew: ...Yeah.

Andrew: Hmm. Maybe I'll stay up really late tonight again.
Justron: Sounds good.  Maybe I will too.
Andrew: We'll make a game out of it.
Justron: What sort of game?
Andrew: Kind of like Darkworld.

Andrew: Man.....nothings happenin on the internet tonight!
Justron: You mean, people wise, or...  Anything else wise?
Andrew: Both.
Justron: Little Fighter 2 got updated for the first time in like 5 months.
Andrew: ......thats justin stuff.
Justron: ...  Okay...  Um...  I found a website that makes fun of retarded people.  That's Andrew stuff.
Andrew: Aw.

Andrew: I'm at a loss as to what I should do today.
Justin: I don't have anything to do..
*** Auto-response from Andrew: I'm totally away.
Andrew: Sigh...
Justin: Clean out your binder!
Andrew: Oh yeah!
Justin: That takes like 30 seconds..
Andrew: ...Do time trials!
Justin: On binder cleaning?
Andrew: Yes!
Justin: Okay!
Justin: ...  I lost my binder...
Justin: Oh no..  There it is.
Andrew: I dont know where mine is
Andrew: Oh. In my pack.
Justin: You're set as away, you know.
Andrew: .....why did everyone just suddenly decide to tell me that?
Justin: Because we're ..  worried about you, Andrew.
Justin: Are you here?  Are you away?  What's going on?

Andrew: I hate this assignment.
Justin: Oh?... 
Andrew: It's basically boiled down to retyping the history from the text book, but putting it in first person.
Justin: Oh, THAT..
Andrew: Stupid Moss got to do it a much funner way, because of his stupid imagination....
Justin: You can imagine too!
Andrew: Not when I'm thinking about other people's better ideas.

Andrew: Poetry blows.
Justin: Poetry rocks.  Writing poetry blows.
Andrew: Right.
Justin: Blows rocks.
Andrew: Yeah.
[Talking about Colin's Birthday]
Justin: I don't know that to do, or get him.
Andrew: Make him a CRAZY card.
Justin: It'll say, "Holy shit, mother fucker!  You've lived exactly 6574 days so far!"  And have a picture of me giving him a hot carl on it.
Andrew: go for it
Justin: I just might.

Justin: Time for dinner!
Session Close (Andrew): Sat Jul 20 17:35:16 2002
Session Start (ICQ - 37126234:Andrew): Sat Jul 20 17:53:41 2002
Andrew: That was fast
Justin: I mean business!

[On a particularly hot day]
Justin: Yeah, my computer's overheated 3 times.
Justin: Yeah..
Andrew: So, what is the plan tommorow?
Justin: Um...  I don't know.
Andrew: Mantastic!
Justin: I don't know how to respond..
Andrew: I dig.
Andrew: Man, I'm flailing my arms and mumbling incoherently. I think I need some water.
Justin: A bathtub full!
Andrew: That sounds nice.
Justin: Heat makes me slow.
Andrew: So like, do you come to complete stop in the heat then?
Justin: ...
 ... Sometimes...
Andrew: bravo
Justin: Whee!

Andrew: If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
Justin: If it ain't baroque, don't faux it.
Andrew: faux sounds nothing like fix.....
Andrew: thats only half clever!
Justin: Half clever, or..  Better?
Andrew: Zuh?!?!
Andrew: bRHB!!
Justin: Hubbah!

Justin: Why do people who have MSN change their name to sentences?
Andrew: Because they are clever and witty.
Justin: I think it's funny when people have things like "~+=i only love cake;-)=+~" as their name.  I mean, none of them are that funny...

Justin: Hello , Chumly.
Colin: hello friend.
Justin: I am..  Bored.
Justin: And apathetic.
Colin: I am..not really.
Justin: Whoa...  What are you doing to make yourself not?  Tell me now.

Justin: Fo bizza, show dizza.
Colin: shizzy bizza bizzo hizza!
Justin: shiz to da iz-ow!  Doh nizzo, bizza!
Colin: hizzy mizzy, la do sho dizzy ho ma nizza!
Justin: Wadda ta, fo nay-no.
Colin: Biznotch!
Colin: Bizznaooooch!
Justin: Ha ha...  Fiz shizzle.
Colin: Shizzle ma nizzle! on da mizzle!
Justin: Mizzle ma bizzle, diz-nizzle.
Colin: Diz...diz bizzle, shizzy shizzle!
Justin: That's enough.
Colin: ok. oh, god, that was awful.

Colin: Baby Justin!
Colin: hey!
Justin: Hey baby!
Colin: big ol' baby, what's happenin'?
Justin: I know you'll always be near to me.

Justin: Hi.  How come you weren't at school today?
Colin: didn't feel the need.
Justin: The need for SPEED?
Colin: the need for shields.
Justin: Ah, good show.  Does he want something from you?
Colin: no, he hates me.
Justin: How come?  I thought he loved you.
Colin: no, i got bad footy of the hokey pokey, and then he was mad.

Justin: Hey, that girl in the theater was so coming on to me.  Once before the movie started her elbow touched mine for a second.
Colin: nice!

Colin: whoa, hold on there captain!
Justin: Okay.  Captain Bed-Finder.  Better get up here Captain, we can't find it.  Oh there it is, you can go back to bed now.
Colin: .....justin, you're a very tired boy.
Justin: I know.

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