Concept for Game, to be produced by the highest bidder.
Created by Justin and Gus
Game Title:
"Real Life"
"Law and Order"
"Conform Flesh-Machines, Conform"
This game is a revolution in gaming. It combines the free play capabilities
of games like GTA III and Animal Crossing, with the static rules of classic
games like Checkers, and Rock-Paper-Scissors. The game will offer players a
rich, rewarding experience, as long as they do everything exactly as they are
The object of the game is to follow a rigid set of rules. If the rules are
deviated from, the character will find themselves put in jail for 5-10 years
real time. The game will keep track of this time, and the timer cannot be reset.
After the set amount of time, the player will be able to try again.
The game is played with a special controller, shipped with the game. The
controller is essentially and pair of blue jeans*, which can be accessorised
with a belt, and has handy pockets to store things in while gaming. The game can
also be played at any time, in nearly any place. The game is played whenever the
player is in motion, or is interacting with anything in their immediate
environment, be it a car, a phone, or even other players. Yes, it’s the largest
multi-player game of all time; with already over 6 billion people playing every
Another exciting feature is that once the game is started, you cannot shut it
off, and you keep playing until you die (players are only given one "life").
Never has a game been so immersive. Make friends who may remember you days
afterwards! Make enemies who will try to insult you! But always remember to stay
on the straight and narrow, because if you step off into the realm of crime, the
"Boys-in-Blue™" will come and haul you off into "THE-SLAMMER™" where you must
wait to be released.
We are very excited about the potential markets this game will open up, as
characters can get jobs to earn "Money™" (little green pieces of paper) in order
to buy things they like. They can buy a house, then decorate it however they
want. They can buy TVs, Stereos, Cars, and even Love. Food must be bought to
keep the player character going, and bathroom breaks are also a necessity. We
included everything. You won’t even know you’re playing a game. You poor
*the jeans shipped with the game can be substituted with any other article of
clothing compatible with today’s trends.