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Crap - Saturday, October 12th, 2002

Brand New Words I Invented:

Knowfeel:(noun), a gut instinct that is more likely than not, true. Example: "John had a knowfeel that his wife was a dirty tramp."

Stupod::An egg-shaped enclosure device used to protect stupid people from the outside world so that they don't hurt themselves.

More to come!

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The Orange Arrow is hosted on Keenspace, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics. All works on this site are property of the authors and are not to be used without permission. It's tricky to rock around, to rock around, that's right, on time, it's tricky! Tricky, tricky, tricky. It's tricky to rock around, to rock around, that's right, on time, it's tricky! t-t-t-tricky tricky tricky, trrrrrrrrrrricky! Tricky, tricky, tricky!