A Conversation about SuperPowers.
Gus, The Master Blaster: Hey, if you could have any super powers which ones would you have?
Moss: Time based.
Moss: Definately time based.
Gus, The Master Blaster: That's a good one
Moss: I know. Possibly the ultimate one.
Gus, The Master Blaster: I just want all of superman's powers but not the kryptonite weakness.
Gus, The Master Blaster: yeah, you could really mess with things if you had time powers.
Moss: Stop time, slow time. Pretty impressive.
Moss: Oh yeah. And if you could pull other people and things into a bubble of perpetual time, so that you and your friends could run
around with everyone else frozen. Oh yeah.
Gus, The Master Blaster: Whoa that would rule.
Gus, The Master Blaster: And then you could just rob banks in a fraction of a second.
Moss: I know. I've contemplated this in detail.
Moss: I know. But hell, why would you NEED to?
Gus, The Master Blaster: like the clock king from batman did.
Moss: You could HAVE anything you wanted!!
Gus, The Master Blaster: I guess.
Moss: yup.
Gus, The Master Blaster: But I would still want supermans powers.
Moss: And travel in the blink of an eye.
Gus, The Master Blaster: Than I could fight crime.
Gus, The Master Blaster: and become a shining beacon for all humanity.
Moss: And you think a time-lord could not fight crime?
Gus, The Master Blaster: Well I imagine a time lord would become extremely apathetic from having such mighty powers.
Moss: I guess it was hard for Superman not to do that, too.
Gus, The Master Blaster: yeah
Gus, The Master Blaster: I imagine if i was ME who had superpowers I would probably get sick of helping people.
Moss: But he was a real hero. In spirit as well as body.
Gus, The Master Blaster: But I would still do it.
Moss: To be a true hero, on needs that kind of golden mettle.
Gus, The Master Blaster: I think I got what it takes.
Gus, The Master Blaster: I'm very determined and I do have a hero complex.
Moss: What a coincidence! I base my entire life around defining myself as a hero.
Moss: It's rather infintile and it's constantly limiting me.
Gus, The Master Blaster: Yeah, it makes you feel a lot better about yourself.
Gus, The Master Blaster: Yes, I notice that too but I want to stick to my guns on this.
Moss: I know. When you actually succeed and someone's like "You're my hero!" That rocks.
Gus, The Master Blaster: Yeah! That's the climax of it!
Moss: That makes my soul orgasm.
Gus, The Master Blaster: Oh no!
Gus, The Master Blaster: Not enough people say "You're my hero!" though
Moss: No. Not nearly enough for me.
Gus, The Master Blaster: That's all I want in life, to be a hero.
Gus, The Master Blaster: To be adored by the masses, all other things are meaningless to me.
Moss: My god, Gus. You're the first person I've ever met who completely understands and shares my goals.
Gus, The Master Blaster: yes we are kindred spirits, we have to team up to fight crime.
Moss: Unstoppably.
Gus, The Master Blaster: I call sidekick.
Moss: Good. I call hero.
Gus, The Master Blaster: And I get to wear a paper bag instead of a mask.
Gus, The Master Blaster: a paper bag and street clothes.
Moss: I want a utility belt.
Moss: With a comb on it.
Gus, The Master Blaster: Oh yeah, you gotta have one of those.
Gus, The Master Blaster: A giant comb?
Moss: Well sure, why not.
Gus, The Master Blaster: Would your utility belt just mostly have hair care products on it?
Moss: I imagine so. And a mirror or two.
Moss: Now what sort of villains would we combat? Would we specialize?
Moss: I need to know this first.
Gus, The Master Blaster: I imagine mostly street thugs
Gus, The Master Blaster: and eventually we'd meet a villian we could call our arch enemy
Moss: ok. I can do that.
Moss: Because I'd need to change my gear if we fought vampires or lyncanthropes or something like that.
Gus, The Master Blaster: Not really, we could just rip their heads off....of course that's true of an villian we would fight,
Moss: Absolutely.
Gus, The Master Blaster: But if we did that people would probably start to not like us...
Moss: Can you imagine a Superman-like hero with no weaknesses and a complete master of time working together?
Gus, The Master Blaster: yes, they would be unstoppable.
Moss: We need to be just.
Gus, The Master Blaster: and super-cool.
Gus, The Master Blaster: okay. Moss you have to find some way to be absorbed by the timestream.
Gus, The Master Blaster: Meanwhile I'll get hit by the leftover particles of an exploding planet.
Moss: Consider it already done.
Moss: Go for it./
Gus, The Master Blaster: I just need an exploding planet...
Gus, The Master Blaster: ..i only really have access to the one planet....
Gus, The Master Blaster: I've already prepared every other section of my life for my future life as a superhero
Moss: We need to BLOW IT UP
Gus, The Master Blaster: I converted my room into the perfect fortress!
Gus, The Master Blasterit has a computer and a mini fridge...and robot workers!
Moss: I wanted an underground base under Quadra Island, which I would be able to elevate and fly around.
Gus, The Master Blaster: we could just move my room underground.
Moss: ok. Let's do that. I need an access tunnel from my place, though.
Gus, The Master Blaster: start diggin'!
Moss: With a Batman-esque transport luge.
Gus, The Master Blaster: Oh man! that would rule!
Gus, The Master Blaster: We need a suped-up car then too!
Gus, The Master Blaster: or some kind of flying machine!
Moss: I want a flying island, goddamn it! But I guess that's not very maneuverable..
Gus, The Master Blaster: Yeah, and if the villains figured out which flying island we lived in we would be constantly under seige.
Moss: But we could disguise it as a normal island in the water.
Moss: They'd never know.
Gus, The Master Blaster: Villains are pretty cunning, we would need to cover every inch of the island with high powered lasers.
Gus, The Master Blaster: and then after than cover all the centimetres with lasers too.
Moss: Well I think that's a given, Gus.
Moss: And organized, uniform lasers, too. Not the jumbley ones in movies that thieves can clearly slip through.
Gus, The Master Blaster: yeah
Gus, The Master Blaster: and we'd need a high tech prison to keep all the villians who could easily break out of normal prison.
Moss: I really hate that. Why don't they just have a laser WALL? That you CAN'T sneak through?
Gus, The Master Blaster: A laser wall? An idea so preposterous that it must be done! Good man!
Moss: No Gus, not just good. Super.
Gus, The Master Blaster: haha! of course, how silly of me.
Gus, The Master Blaster: I actually have thought about this subject a lot.
Moss: haha!
Gus, The Master Blaster: I even made a logo for myself
Moss: Likewise. I'm pretty sure I think about being a hero in some way or another every day.
Moss: I have gone through too many logos.
Gus, The Master Blaster: yeah me too. I finally settled on this one though
Moss: oh good. Can I see it?
Moss: Do you have it on the computer?
Gus, The Master Blaster: yeah, i just need to find it.
Moss: I've tried to make an effective "M" logo, but it's tough to do something new. There's a lot of "M" heros out there.
Gus, The Master Blaster: this is the wallpaper version
*** Moss has received G.jpg***
Moss: ok
Gus, The Master Blaster: normally there aren't stars and junk behind it
Moss: i see
Moss: I like it. It's very universal.
Moss: Recognizable as a heroic logo, but not cliche.
Gus, The Master Blaster: yeah, it's a nice one
Moss: I like it.
Gus, The Master Blaster: I went through a whole notepad making the perfect one.
Moss: Usually, my "M"s wind up looking something like this:
Gus, The Master Blaster: this is the fruit of my labor.
Moss: Oh well. I tried to send you an example "M" that I just drew in a few seconds, but it wasn't neccessary.
Gus, The Master Blaster: oh man, now that i told everyone about it, everyone wants to see my logo.
Gus, The Master Blaster: it makes me feel great
Moss: Dude, obviously. It's a superhero logo. Everyone wants a peice of it.
Gus, The Master Blaster: I liked designing it, it gave me the kind of feeling i imagine superhero's have when they make their
Moss: ooooh. Man, I'd love to design my costume.
Gus, The Master Blaster: I would just want my logo on a normal shirt.
Gus, The Master Blaster: and a paper bag mask.
Moss: Anyways though, I need to sleep for work tomorrow. Goodnight.
Gus, The Master Blaster: Okay good night